"The more you read, the more things you'll know and the more you know, the more places you'll go." -Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Its Been A While

So it has been a while since I have uploaded a blog post... Sorry, it took me so long to put something up. I have been on Instagram a lot and my computer has been acting up lately. I am going to try and post on here more often if I can so all of you who read my blog can stay posted :)

Again, I'm terribly sorry it's been so long. I've been really busy with drama class and memorizing lines. I'm going to be Mr. Tumnus in the play! I'm so excited and can't wait to start the play. We are going to have a tea in January and we are all going to be in costume and it will be so much fun! So I have been busy memorizing my lines and hoping that I can memorize them in time. I have made wonderful friends while there and have learned so much about theatre. I'm so happy I had a chance to do this this year for 'school'.

Then my mom and my brother are getting ready to go on their Compassion trip to Mexico. I'm also so excited for them! They are going to have a wonderful time there learning about what Compassion does in different countries. They only have 8 more days until the trip and I know I am going to miss them like crazy when they leave but I'll be so happy when they come back. So me and my dad are going to have some time together while my mom and brother are gone which will be fun and I'm looking forward to hanging out with him.

So here are some pictures from around the house today. Today is New Year's Eve and I can't wait to get to stay up until midnight! I can't believe that this year has gone by so fast! I only have a year an a half until I'm driving and it seems like just yesterday I was saying five years! This year was a pretty good year though. I'm glad that we did some day trips to different places but also got to hang around the house a bit before things got crazy busy again. It feels werid that I'm 14 now. Being 13 was pretty short but it was a special time.

I'm so thankful for my family! They are the best family anyone could ask for and I'm so happy that I am apart of them. I'm also thankful for all the new friends that I have made this year! They have been awesome and have always been there for me and I'm so thankful for that! So anyways, let's get to the pictures!

Here are the new calenders that my mom got for this year. We like to do them at the table for a conversation starter. Can't wait to do these ones!

Here is all the candy that we got this year! Some of it is gone and already eaten but there's still a lot more! Yikes! 

 Here is the Sparkling Cider for tonight! I really like this bubbly goodness!

 Here is all the stuff that my mom is going to take with her to Mexico. I'm starting to make bets with myself to see if she can fit it all in her suitcase!
(But she's the best. If anyone could fit all that stuff in a suitcase it would be her)

 Despicable Me 2! Our family really enjoyed watching this movie so we got it for Christmas and watched it Christmas day. This is on my favorite movies list :) I mean who doesn't love the little minion guys?

 Here is my mom's Kindle that she got. We never thought she would get one since she loves books and would normally not get something like this to read books. But she got it for a really good price and she loves it. Although I know for a fact that she loves the feel of books and its pages still. :)

 On to the decorations! Since my mom and brother are going away in about a week we decided to put the Christmas stuff away ealier this year so that they didn't have to worry about it after they got back. Here is the first one. This one hangs up above our tv and we have one for almost every season and one for Christmas. My mom made this so we would have something to put on the wall right where its at. I really like the little snowman in the middle. Who's your favorite snowman on there?

 I love this little snowman that we have! He is the softest snowman there is and I can't wait to put him out when we put up our winter stuff.

 Here is a snowman that my dad made! He used to make them and sell them but he doesn't stay with one thing for long. They sure were cute though! :)

 We have been making little drawings to go on our chalkboard in the dining room. We do one depending on the season or holiday. This time I was the one that drew it on the chalkboard and I'm pretty proud of myself. Do you like it?

 Let it snow! Here is the last decoration that we have put up this year. We are going light on the decorations this year because as I explained, we don't want my mom to have to worry about a lot of stuff after her and my brother get back from there trip. I like this little guy! He is pretty awesome. :)

 Here is our 'fire' that we made for when it's Christmas time and winter time. But we have had in our fireplace all year.... We might want to think about taking it out of there in the summer time since it will be a little too hot to have a fire in the house. ;)

And for the big shocker! I cut my hair! Short! I have had it long for well so long. I decided it was time to change it up a bit and cut it short. I'm really liking it like this since it is easy to wash and brush. Although I can't do much with it since it's short I really don't mind that much. I'm hoping to keep it this short for a while and then I think I will grow it out again.

That is all I have for today! Hope you enjoyed reading a bit about what has been going on and seeing some pictures! I'm thinking that if I don't really have anything to take pictures of I will just write about some stuff that has been going on but when I do have pictures I will be sure to show you!

Hope you all had a wonderful year and I hope that you have a even more wonderful this year! :)


Saturday, August 17, 2013

More Random Stuff I Have Been Up To :)

So, we went to a drama info meeting last week and it was really cool! I learned some more about what they are going to teach us. I will also get to see some friends next week that I don't see very often. I am so excited! Oh! And I got a loft bed yesterday and me and my mom put it together so I got to sleep in it last night. It was so much fun! It was weird though waking up and seeing the ceiling so close to me. But, I really like it and it opens up my room a little more. So I will start putting up some pictures. :)

My mom went to Spirit West Coast, so I had to go into work with my dad one day. I watch Lord Of The Rings while at his work.

My rabbit had never really been able drink out of the bottle we have for him so we put some water in a dish for him but when I went out there, he had his paws in the water dish and was eating his food like that. Silly rabbit.

I got to go riding with a group of friends one day and I had a blast! I got to ride at a lope (or canter, whichever you perfer) and I love riding at that speed. I also got to see a friend which I hadn't seen in a while.

I started watching the BBC Sherlock and it was really good. It made me want to read the book so I started reading them and I love them! They have been really fun to read. And if you like the classics, I would recommend Sherlock Holmes.

We got to do a BBQ with a couple of friends on Sunday. It was really fun and I also got to have a friend stay the night! We had a blast playing Just Dance and talking and hanging out. It was fun!

This has started to be my P.E. It's hard to keep it up but it makes working out really fun by doing games. They also have yoga and strength which I love doing. It's really cool and I enjoy doing it. :)

After the BBQ, me and my friend roasted marshmallows over the fire in our fire pit. After burning a few and then dropping a few on the ground from the bag because I was trying to move, I was able to get a really good roasted marshmallow.

The next day me and my friend played the DVD version of Clue. We played the normal version first since she had never played it before but she really enjoyed it. We both won two rounds.

When we were driving home from the drama info meeting, the sun was going down and I was trying to take a picture of it while we were driving. My mom pulled over for me so that I could get a good picture but then I accidently deleted it so we pulled over again and took another picture.

And when you get two of my friends talking about a book or movie (normally Harry Potter) they don't even noice how weird I can be. Hahaha!

My mom for the BBQ got a big bunch of yellow flower to put around the house. She was able to split it up and made a few vases of flowers. After the BBQ my mom asked if I wanted a vase in my room so now there is a bright vase of yellow flowers in my room. It is very cheerful. :)

We didn't really have dinner last night because my brother was at college group and my dad was doing his brakes with a friend, so it was just me and my mom and we watched Heartland (our new favorite show) and had banana splits for a late dinner.

That's all I have for today! I will post again when I have more pictures. And I am also doing a guest post on my mom's blog, so make sure you check it out!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Random Stuff

Okay, so I haven't posted in a long time so I will fill all of you in on what we have been up to. Here are some pictures that I took around the house.
 The weather for my town this week. Looks pretty hot!

 My mom has been making a lot of jam to sell for her Mexico trip

 I love playing the piano! I really like just playing around and making little songs

 Something my dad made for my mom. It is one of her favorite verses

 Another thing I love to do is to look through old photo albums.

 We really like basil! My mom planted a lot of it this summer

 We put this in with the blueberries to keep the birds out. (They don't like how it shines in the light)


 One of the little things in our "beach"

 My mom found this at Hobby Lobby on sale, so she uses it to put extra little things like paper clips and extra tape rolls.

 My mom got this at Ikea to put in our craft room to make it more organized 

 Some fake flowers that I have in my room

 One of the ladies at church gave me this bracelet to say thank you for babysitting at the ladies bible study

 I have really enjoyed this series of books! 

 I have added a drawing on to my wall :) 

 We got a new dishwasher and I love big boxes so I put my beanbag and some blankets in it to sit in. 

 My calender. Can't believe it is already the end of May!

 Unfortunately, all of our clocks have stopped. All but Columbia 

 Some flowers on a tree in our backyard

 Iced coffee! Yum!

 Really? This big bag and this is all they give you.....

The weather in London. I would rather much take this weather over the weather here

My brother putting up the flag for Memorial Day

Our lemons are starting to grow!

Another little item at our "beach"

A "sand dollar"

Our garden

This is what happens when you have lots of wind

My favorite outfit!

A bible and lavender

My dad had a birthday last week!

Well, that is it for day! I will try and take more pictures for another blog post soon! :)